Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Treaty of Versailles (end WW1)

Explain how the Treaty of Versailles affected Germany at the end of WW I. Some historians say that the Treaty of Versailles led to the rise of Fascism and Adolph Hitler. Why do you think historians say this?

The treaty really wounded Germany. It said that Germany's outside lands were token away and that Germany was responsible for the war. It made Germany really weak in it's mentality. People went in to a big depression. That is when they needed a powerful leader. That is when Adolph Hitler came into the picture. He brought in the Nazi party and Fascism into Germany. The people were very depressed so when he came along, all they could was cheer him on.
Historians say that the Treaty of Versailles led to Fascism and Adolph Hitler. They say this because if the treaty didn't only blame Germany for the war, the people wouldn't have excepted Hitler as their leader. They wouldn't have gone into a great depression. The people would at least have some self dignity. The people excepted anything to get them back on the track of their lives.
The people had to do anything just to be back.

The Treaty of Versailles

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