Friday, April 27, 2007

African Independence

Africa changed because it was the time period where people were rebelling against the ones who are controlling them and they want to be free. Africa didn't want the whites to be in charge of them anymore. The Africans rose against those who try to keep them down. They wanted to be a free country like the rest of the world. Some of the leaders who helped them rebel against the whites were: Kwame Nkrumah, Jomo Kenyatta, Mobutu Sese Seko, Ahmed Ben Bella, and more. Kwame led Ghana, Jomo led Kenya, Mobutu led the Congo, and Bella led Algeria.

9th Grade Review- Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution is a time when the nomads turned to farming and agriculture for food. They went from hunting and gathering to keeping animals and growing crops. They kept the animals and fed them till they got big and juicy to eat. They kept them there by building an fence around them. They farmed along the river because there was water and the soil was fertile enough to make the crops bigger. This made the nomads more civilized than they were and this was good. As time passed more revoulution came and we became more civilized. Now we live in a society where we are surrounded by buildings and technology.

The European Union

Read the link below. Briefly explain the European Union and respond to the following: Why is it a good thing? What will it prevent?

Monday, April 16, 2007

Film Lesson: "The Right Stuff"

The US and the USSR were competing in the film "The Right Stuff" by seeing who was the first one to go to outer space and to see who was the first man to the moon. The USSR were the first to send a satellite in outer space. The US was the first to go around the world more than once. Than the US was the first to put a man on the moon and that was the end of the competition. First the USSR was winning the competition but than the US was the winner. The scenes that help me remember this Cold War event is when the man runs through the hall way and dashes into the room where everyone is sitting and says old news that everybody already knew about. That was funny because the old man says that they already knew and that he should just sit down.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Cuban Missile Crisis

Explain the Cuban Missile Crisis. What happened and why is it considered “the hottest moment in the Cold War”? What did Kennedy do to combat the crisis?

The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest that the world ever came to a nuclear war. The USSR sent nuclear bombs to Cuba and said that if the US attacked Cuba than the USSR had their backs. The USSR had their missiles facing towards the US if the US decides to launch their nuclear bombs. It was considered "the hottest moment of the Cold War" because it was so deadly and breath taking that it was considered that. Kennedy

NATO and the Warsaw Pact

NATO is an organization that includes countries in Europe and North America. NATO was formed so that if one of the countries were attacked by some country, they (NATO) would come and aide them. It was like a defense mechanism.
The Warsaw Pact is an organization that consisted mostly of the Soviet Union and its satellite countries. The pact was made by the Soviet Union (Russia) because they were scared that the US would attack them with Nuclear weapons and they were scared that the US made NATO so they wanted the US to get scared of them so they did that.